Today went well, I was tired and didn't feel like working on the game HOWEVER I also was going to be taking the first steps in creating a game and not just a tutorial. So with that in mind, I pushed myself to start adjusting, and it turns out that small adjustments are super quick and easy in GDevelop so it didn't take much effort to get the feel of what I wanted.
I moved the monster to the top and made the shapes fall from the bottom, towards him. Tadpole Man is going to be eating the things that come towards him so having him at the top made more sense.
I also added a heart that restores 1hp when it's collected, this turned out to be really easy and I was able to copy the bomb events and adjust them slightly.

The biggest thing I did was add a goal to level 1 + a popup when the goal is reached, the player is shown their new monster and a play button to start the second level. I played around with a pixel editor that is built into GDevelop and gave the monster on level 2 a wonderful animated penis. Tadpole Man will never be the same again.

Step 5/1000 - This is starting to feel fun!