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Frogs and catapults

Yesterday I didn't work on games at all, but I did make a new song for my January challenge. This one is my favorite so far and I feel like I streamlined the creation process AND I learned more about editing / lining up the audio. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Today however I got a bunch done on Honeybee, I started off by building a behavior for the frog that would allow it to move around to a neighboring flower, I needed to know the positions of the flowers so I also spent some time figuring out their positioning and aligning them all. Assigning property values of a behavior to another property inside that behavior has been something that's continued to elude me, BUT NO LONGER! I was able to figure that out along with getting behaviors to tween the object they're attached to, the trick is to repass in the object with the tween behavior like it was any other object you were moving. I kept trying to find a way to include it as a linked behavior, but now I can start nesting behavior calls, which is awesome.

I added scoring to lots of events, from picking flowers to pollinating and even spawning new bees. I added murder to the frogs arsenal, allowing it to kill the bee if they cross paths.

I'm feeling close to the end, a few more things to code, and then it's on to polish and publish :D Step 104/1000

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