Today was a good day, I feel like I made good progress and have found some issues that need to be looked into. Normally that would be a bad thing, and I might feel differently if I can't find a solution that isn't painful, but for now, it seems like things that I'm either just missing or doing incorrectly. So good to find those issues now and try to plug those holes in my understanding, before getting too far into habits that might not be the best.
So for the progress, I changed the naming convention for my button animation layers, changing them to the same thing 'ButtonNormal', 'ButtonHover', and 'ButtonDown'. The tutorial had you name them to reference the button they were on, but that really slowed down my speed for creating button sprites and events, since I had to change more after copying & pasting. So with this newly updated button template, I was able to add an option, back, replay, and home button. I hooked up the options popup and game over popups as well, and that's when I started running into the first bug.

For some reason, the hitbox for my buttons isn't always firing the 'mouse release on object' event. It sometimes will, and more consistently is firing when I click the right edge of the button. Why this is happening is beyond me right now. I'm going to fill it away as a bug for now and continue development. It's not game-breaking, just annoying, and I'd rather focus on development for now and save that later. Step 10/1000 - That looks and feels nice :D