I didn't post yesterday, but that doesn't mean that I didn't get anything done! I animated the remaining frames for Tadpole Man level 3 and got them working in the game, by the time I had this done I didn't feel like posting so I put it off until later.... and as we've all learned by now, later means I fall asleep and don't do it. I'm not too upset since I did get a good chunk of progress done, but still, I have to try and keep on the posting as well.

Today I worked on adding functionality to the game, first by learning how to save variables outside of the game. This allowed me to add a highscore that displays on the main screen if the user has played the game before. The highscore is also displayed on the gamescreen, along with the current combo. The combo is currently only reset when the user hits a sweet, but I might change that later. You can bonus points for eating meat ( and hearts) based on the combo and type of meat. This isn't really stated anywhere and isn't displayed to the user very well yet, but that will come later. I learned how to make variables outside of the events tab, which is REALLY NICE - HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS? - so I also took the opportunity to add in variables that track some stats and then display those stats when the player either loses or wins.
Made that good progress today, but it only shows me how much further I have to go. I need to create a more in-depth list of remaining tasks and start picking away at those. Today I was chatting with my co-worker and we were talking about TPM and game dev in general, it got me pumped to roll up my sleeves and do a little more technical work. Learn and building up a collection of behaviors that will be helpful on future projects. I need to learn how to create modular objects that I can use across projects. I feel like TPM is so raw, both behind the scenes and in full view, that I don't want to start doing any overhauls on it. My goal is to create the list of remaining things, get those in and working, debug everything, and learn how to publish. THEN I can start to focus on creating a toolkit for future development. Step 31+32/1000