Jessy completed the open and close mouths for level 1 Tadpole Man today so I took those and created the eating animation. At first, I made the animation too long and ran into an issue, the meat was disappearing before tadpole man was even making contact. I tried working on a couple of solutions before I thought about shortening the animation time by just using 4 of the 9 original frames. This ended up working well enough for now, I might adjust it a little later but I'm happy with how it's looking.

There was a bug when Tadpole Man died where his death animation would play over and over, I tried several different things to fix this but none of them were working. I finally set up a variable, a timer and some extra animations. I still don't know why it was looping to begin with but I'm thinking it has something to do with the trigger being called repeatedly. Now that I'm typing this out I'm almost sure that's what it was..... well.... darn it. At least it's currently working, something to clear up later if I feel like it. Step 22/1000
Great work today!! I'm really happy to see everything coming together. It feels really cool getting to see this guy come to life