So after writing the post last night, I just couldn't get the game off my brain. Lucky for me, Jessy was also feeling the same way so we stayed up for a bit and talked about the theme we wanted for the game. I was thinking that even if it's just a demo game, I could turn it into our first title. Not something crazy but something fun and random. We came up with an idea for 'Tadpole Man Strikes Again', about a hungry Tadpole Man who wants to eat everything and grow big and strong. I have no doubt that things will change during development, but I feel this gives us a good starting point.

Jessy and I went over the game using this theme and came up with a basic asset list. My plan was to finish the last bit of the demo, where it added some extra fun things, before starting to adjust it for 'Tadpole Man Strikes Again'. Now, this is where life strikes and I find it's 11 pm and I haven't done anything today. Lucky for me did something yesterday or I'd have very little to post about. My plan tomorrow is the same that I had for today, but I believe I can do this :D Step 3/1000 completed?