Today I spent getting the game ready for ... well the game :P The first thing I tackled was note generation, I decided to reduce the number of timers needed since that seems to be a weaker point for gdevelop, and generate different patterns of attacks all at once. I'd generate them and then stagger the entire pattern.

I also figured out how I'm going to deal with attack missing/hitting. I was going to build in a detecting system for how close the attack is to its perfect location... HOWEVER, it's once again one of those times where I want to create something that's more complicated than required. It would be nice, and for future games like this I'll consider it, however for now I just want to get it functioning. I went with shrinking the hitboxes of the target and the attacks so that they have to be more on top of each other to count at a hit.
I finished off by creating some tool functions, things that will help with all the little things I'll need to know to get the game running. Stuff that I could just set-up events for in the main game sheet, however, they can also be moved to functions to keep the event sheet cleaner. Things like getting the bounty increase upon winning, the loss upon defeat, the monster you're fighting, and the combo required to defeat it. Also for grabbing or saving values to storage!

Overall I got quite a bit done and was able to figure out the key components of this game. I should be able to get the buttons up and running along with the attacks. I'm currently aiming for a rough playthrough by Wednesday and something releasable by this Friday. Not really sure if I'll make that deadline but I'm aiming for it anyways. Step 67/1000