I might have been dropping the ball on blog posts, but I have been maintaining development, learning, and overall progress. I don't have the motivation to be going into much detail but here's a brief overview. -Posted Frantic Fighter, listened to the feedback and spent a couple days improving the gameplay -Created the game Fishing for Jelly, more of an art piece but something that's been 'floating' around in my head for 3 years -Uploaded artwork to the weird demon store on redbubble, also uploading art to Jessy's personal store -My longtime friend Zack joined Weird Demon Games and we've started development on a new game - currently called Ultimate Flippy -I've started development on a dating game based on Frantic Fighters mechanics So overall these last few weeks have been crazy, but I'm stoaked with all the progress I've been making.

Step 74-90/1000
YayayayayaYAYAYAYI LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I’m so happy to see you kicking ass and taking yames